Monday, October 20, 2008

Palin on SNL

I stayed up late on saturday night just to watch sarah palin's appearance. I thought she was the funniest politician to be on SNL who was reallly funny. It was the best SNL show I have ever watched. The part I liked the most was when Amy started rapping about things Palin had said in the campaign. I watched that clip all throughout the weekend. I got to say good job to Sarah Palin cause I did not expect that.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the final presidential debate

what a fantastic debate it was tonight! couldn't wait to hear what the candidate had to say.
for the most part mccain was on the attack while obama was trying to defend himself. i think mccain did a great job on some issues but he still did not change my mind. i am an obama supporter. i agree with him on having universal healthcare, affordable education, and ending the war. those are important issues that will probably shape our future. no matter what the outcome is on the this election, i hope the new president will recognize these issues and try to find a solutions that will work for the people.